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Devoxx 09

Devoxx 09

forseen schedule

Conference Day 1

Wednesday November 18th


12:00-13:00  JDK7 Update

13:30-13:45  quickie OSGi Testing Pax Exam or Swing & OSGi - please play nice

14:00-15:00 James Gosling

15:10-16:10 JavaFX or The Java EE 6 Platform

16:40-17:40  ?

17:50-18:50  Project Coin or Animation Rules!

19:00-20:00  Java User Group BOF ?

20:00-21:00    Update JDK7

Conference Day 2

Thursday November 19th

9:30-11:30  Keynote

12:00-13:00   Using XML with Java: Spoilt for Choice? or Spring Framework 3.0

13:30-13:45   ?

14:00-15:00   Pro JavaFX - Developing Enterprise Applications

15:10-16:10   The Live

16:40-17:40   Detecting and preventing bugs with pluggable type-checking or Funky Java, Objective Scala or Deep dive on the Java EE 6 platform with GlassFish V3

17:50-18:50   The Modular Java Platform & Project Jigsaw or Maven Reloaded

19:00-20:00   JavaFX Futures

20:00-21:00   The Modular Java Platform and Project JigSaw ?

21:00-22:00   Maven3 BOF
or 2012 ?

Conference Day 3

Friday November 20th

9:30-10:30   Gaming JavaFX or Java and JavaFX Technology and the Nintendo Wiimote: Just How Much Fun Can You Have?

10:30-11:30   Towards A UniversalVM or Modular Web Applications with OSGi

11:30-12:30 Project Lombok: Bye Bye Boilerplate