Last updated: 2013-07-27
In preparation for Devoxx 09, I wanted to play a little with Jigsaw.
Thereafter are the few steps I have followed to build it (based on the
build readme for Jigsaw but revised each time I build Jigsaw):
1. Create a new Ubuntu VM in VirtualBox
To download VirtualBox go
and to download Ubuntu (12.04 LTS or 13.04) go there.
After a few issues upgrading to JavaFX 1.0 / WidgetFX 1.0 (the SwingComponent.wrap() does not quite do exactly the same thing as the old Component.fromJComponent(), at least for me the resize does not work exactly the same), I’ve released version 0.3 of the Worldclock widget. Also in this release the possibility to enforce the aspect ratio of the world image(s).
Web page: Direct launch:
Devoxx 08
A week at Devoxx (Antwerp, Belgium)
2008-12-08 Day 1 (University Day 1, BOF Day 1)
4:30 Wake up time
6:25 Thalys
8:50 Arrival at the Metropolis (the cinema complex where the Devoxx
conference is located