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Building Jigsaw on Windows

Building Jigsaw on Windows is the same as building OpenJDK8 except that the URL to use in step 13 to get the root source is

hg clone

Post build define a JIG enviroment variable to prefix your java command:

set JIG=C:\dev\jigsaw\build\windows-x86_64-normal-server-release\images\jdk-module-image

A few commands:

List the modules in the JDK system library:

%JIG%/bin/jmod list

Launch a modular java application:

%JIG%/bin/java -m jdk.jconsole

Building Java 8 on Windows

This post is a step by step to build Java 8 using the new build infrastructure on Window (8 64bits). It combines instructions from Volker Simonis, Stanislav Kobylansky and from the OpenJDK8 Build ReadMe.

A different version of these steps initiated by Patrick Reinhart can be found on the Adopt OpenJDK website.

One more version with screenshots by Roberto Coelho.

Last updated: 2013-10-11: added the direct link to VC++2010 web installer in English (for some reason it isn’t available from the download page from France)

Worldclock on Jigsaw and HK2

In the previous post I ‘ported’ HK2 to work on Jigsaw, in this post I adapt Worldclock to use it.

Retrieving the existing code:

svn checkout ~/dev/worldclock-hk2

And the new pom and module-info:

svn checkout ~/dev/worldclock-hk2-downloads

Jigsaw and Maven: Take 2, a Maven plugin

Last updated: 2012-11-01

This post will create a Maven plugin for Jigsaw. This plugin is based on HK2 Maven plugin.
The post includes all the code needed to build the plugin.
(the resulting source code, except for changes in Jigsaw’s source, is available at: )

Setting up the environment:

  1. Build Jigsaw

  2. Get Subversion

sudo apt-get install subversion

  1. Get Maven

sudo apt-get install maven2

  1. Set JAVA_HOME

export JAVA_HOME=’/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386'

Custom Plexus Javac Component:

Jigsaw: Worldclock with the Maven plugin

Last updated: 2012-02-02

In the previous post I created a Maven plugin for Jigsaw, now I’ll adapt Worldclock to use it.

The transformed source code is also available at: 

  1. Create the directory

mkdir -p ~/dev/worldclock

2. Get the source

cd ~/dev/worldclock
svn checkout ~/dev/worldclock/application

  1. Cleanup

Remove the files that are not needed.

rm -rf ~/dev/worldclock/application/*.*
rm -rf ~/dev/worldclock/application/src/META-INF

  1. Code adjustment

The current combinaison of Jigsaw/JDK8/Ubuntu does not support the sytem tray properly, so adjust the to bypass it

Jigsaw: From Hello World to WorldClock

(last updated 2010-06-20)

Moving on from Hello World to WorldClock, a simple multimodules application.

1. Get the source

Install Subversion:

sudo apt-get install subversion

Create the directories:

mkdir -p ~/dev/worldclock

 Get the source:

cd ~/dev/worldclock
svn checkout ~/dev/worldclock/application –username guest